Financial Report

As a company active in the capital markets, SFB is obliged to prepare its consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

The single-entity financial statements of SFB are prepared in accordance with the Universal Commercial Code.

The management reports and the consolidated management reports are prepared in line with the structure and criteria set out in the universal Accounting Standard 20.

Enterprise Loan

Enterprises are projects or businesses in the fields of trading, manufacturing, services and agriculture that lead to livelihood improvement and income generation. These businesses are undertaken by entrepreneurs who are either self-employed or employ few individuals.

SFB Bank strives to make the underprivileged sector prosperous by providing customer-centric financial services. To continue to this philosophy, SFB Bank has designed Enterprise Lending to economically uplift this sector.

Investment Planning

Not so many years ago, there were few options open for average people who wanted to invest.

Nowadays the possibilities are endless. The right investment can actually make it almost simple to realize your goals. By “right investment,” we don’t mean a specific stock or mutual fund. We mean the right combination of investments for you that will enhance your life in the present and allow you to look forward to a bright future.

We create investment plans for our clients that help them in achieving their financial goals. An Investment Plan takes your goals, your specific financial situation and timeline into account. While some generalizations do exist in the investment world, every plan has to be tailored to a person’s own personal and financial situation.